Saturday, March 28, 2009

Just the Fam...

My... what big arms you have Grandpa...
Grandma... you are so very cuddly...
Just the three of us...

Yah, we're cool...

Family pic from Valentine's Day...

Carter learned a lot at the 6th Floor JFK Museum... He thinks it was a big conspiracy...

Baby got Back... Pack....

This was my first week back to work after a wonderful 8 weeks off with Carter. I miss him terribly while at school, but luckily my parents were here this week to look after him. He loved it!!!! Andy's mom will be here next week to watch him, and he'll love that as well. Getting back to teaching has been a bit of an adjustment, as these were brand new students for me, but I'm getting back into the swing of things. There are only 9 weeks left of the school year (not that I'm counting :) and then Andy and I will be off for the summer... Yaaayyyy!!!! We are very blessed and are truly enjoying life. Hope you all are well!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm just a good (BIG) ol' boy....

This is my new lady friend... Helia... aren't we cute:)
Mom... what are shots and why are those needles looking at me?????

Makes you want one of your own... doesn't it Christine??? :)

Chillin' with Aunt Jane... This is my 2nd feeding in 30 minutes, no wonder I'm so big!

My Great Grandma Geri is awesome! She is super sweet and really gets me!

Ah man Uncle Craig.... I wanted to be the only one with this haircut!

I love my Uncle Ben... He spends his time doing cool stuff like texting and e.Harmonizing! He talks about MMA a lot too :)

That's my mama... I think the picture before this was better... it showed my mom with my spit up all over her... Way cooler than this one! I like to keep it real!

Hey mom, can you get me a bottle, Dad and I are watching the game!

Just me and my dad sitting in our man chairs and watching a little ESPN... no biggie!

Mom thinks this winter coat is adorable... Dad thinks its too big and I think I look like a marshmallow... it sure was cozy though!

What a wonderful week it has been... Carter just loves his Uncle Ben and has had a great time with him. He also really loved hanging out with his Hasbrouck and Bryant family in Austin... Great Grandma Geri, Aunt Jane and Uncle Craig, as well as cousins Zac and Jef. He's been very active, taking long walks at White Rock Lake in Dallas and Town Lake in Austin... oh, I'm sorry... I mean Lady Bird Johnson Lake :) Plus... Carter got to meet his first girlfriend, Miss Helia Askew... unfortunately, he was in a milk-coma and slept through their first date. She's adorable, though, and he's looking forward to seeing her again. Of course, he'll have another girlfriend in a couple of weeks when Alison and Grady have their little girl. Lucky guy!!! He met our friends Christine and Nathan as well, and all of this has happened within the past few days!!!! Phew... he's a busy guy :)

The big news is this... Carter is a very healthy, handsome and huge little baby!!!! We went to the doctor this morning for his 2 month check-up, and this little guy has grown 4 inches taller and weighs nearly 6 pounds more than when he was born 7 1/2 weeks ago!!!! Amazing!!!! He is not happy at all today, because he had to have 3 shots and an oral immunization! He is very sore and extremely cranky, but we tried to explain to him that this is all to keep him healthy.... there seem to be some minor communication issues, but we're working through it. He is finally sleeping and hopefully he'll feel better once he wakes up... Poor thing...

Overall, though, we are great! We hope all of you are just as wonderful!!! Hope you enjoy the pics as well!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

It's been ages!!!!

Go Golden Gophers!!! Why does Daddy yell so much when you are on TV?
Handsome little angel!

Mama's little man! He makes my heart melt.

Hey J... Bet ya didn't know I was going to be this cute, did ya?

It's Mini-Me... how adorable is that???

Carter has grown so much over the past week or so... he's pretty much a man now :) He met his uncle Jared last weekend and he just loved him, and Andy and I had a great time too. He gets to meet his other uncle Ben this weekend. We're all looking forward to his visit, as he's never been down here before. Ben currently lives in Fargo, ND... yes people do actually live up there... somehow, so he's in for a heat wave when he gets down here, although any temperature in the positives would be considered a heat wave :)
Carter is very alert these days and you can tell he is absorbing everything. Plus, he's turned into quite the little oinker... he eats constantly. I have a week and a half left at home with him... which makes me incredibly sad to think I'll be leaving him soon, but thankfully my mom will be here the first week I go back to work to give us a nice transition phase. After that, Andy's mom may come up for a week but then its off to daycare. Luckily, its only 2 minutes from where I work, so I can check in on him with no problem. I'm sure the employees will just love that ;)
We plan to be in Austin for a few days next week to show Carter off to the Hasbrouck clan, so he'll be making even more memories. Plus, my friend Courtney Askew and her husband, Bill, just welcomed their baby girl Helia Sophia into the world on the 3rd of March... so we are really looking forward to meeting her as well!
Hope you all are doing great... until we blog again :)